Lesson #2

In this lesson, and the next, we will still be using the FOWARD-REVERSE roll pattern. Notice the line below has four measures: G, C, D7, and another G. In the first measure no strings are fretted and since your banjo is in G tuning, that measure is a G. To make the C in the second measure you will have to make a C chord by fretting some of the strings. Look at the "2" on the fourth string in the second measure. This means you will fret the fourth string at the second fret. See the small "m" above the "2"? This tells you to use your "middle" finger on your left hand to make this note. So the "1" on the second string and the "i" above it, tells you to use your "index" finger at the first fret on the second string. To complete the C chord, fret the first string with your "ring" finger at the second fret. Hold your left hand in such a way as to allow you to use the "tips" of your fingers to fret the strings. Try placing your thumb behind the neck of the banjo if you have trouble using your finger "tips" to make the chord.

In the third measure, D7, fret the third string second fret with your "middle" finger and the second string first fret with you "index". Notice the "index" was on the second string first fret in the C measure. So don't remove it to change to the D7. Just move your "middle" finger to the third string and remove your "ring" finger from the first string.

The last measure is another G chord. Here 1/4 notes are used instead of the 1/8 notes used in the first measure G. In the first measure a note is picked on the downbeat AND the upbeat. In this last measure of G the notes are only picked on the downbeat. There is a pause (1/8) after each note in the fourth measure. Listen to the sound file if you are confused.

See the "0" on the first string and another just below it on the 5th? This is called a "pinch" and is done by squeezing the first and fifth strings with your middle finger and thumb. Squeeze the strings and let the picks slide off at the same time.

Practice and master EACH measure before moving to the next.

Sound File (wav)

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